Contemporary artworks by Sadaf Faraz


I strive to express what words cannot and seek to convey my experiences and understanding of the world around me. Through my work, I aim to unveil the untold narratives, delving into the realms of the implicit and the unseen.

In a world filled with chaos and internal struggles, we often overlook the tranquility and joy inherent in nature, providing respite from the tumult of everyday life. With each artwork, I seek to encapsulate the essence of spiritual existence, recognizing the multitude of viewpoints that influence our perception and shape our understanding of the world from the dark to the light.

Lunar Moods

In this series, my aim is to encapsulate the serene beauty of the moon and its perfect glow illuminating the night sky. Just as the sun nurtures life by day, the moon provides a sense of comfort and peace throughout the night, even when obscured by clouds, its gentle radiance still manages to shine through.

Throughout the ages, mankind has been entranced by the ever-changing moods of the moon. Across civilizations, it has served as a muse, inspiring countless myths and legends. Gazing up at the moon against the backdrop of the night, one can't help but be mesmerized by the array of captivating colors and subtle tones it presents. It's a connection to something beyond ourselves, a timeless wonder that transcends our earthly existence.


Journey of Whirling Dervishes

My fascination with the whirling dervishes led me to explore their journey, untouched by worldly concerns, as they strive to break free from societal norms and connect with their inner selves.

Watching the dervishes in motion, I'm struck by the simplicity, fluidity, and serenity of their movements. Whether alone or in unison, their goal remains clear; to unite with their beloved. While their journey and desires may seem elusive to outsiders, their profound quest resonates deeply within me.

Through this series, I seek to capture the mystical experiences of the whirling dervishes, offering viewers a glimpse into their transcendent world. Yet, I acknowledge that true understanding can only come from delving into our own depths and seeing through many different perspectives, a pursuit that often leaves us humbled and awe-inspired.


Portraits of Perception

This series delves into the intricate interplay between our experiences and our identities, exploring how our past shapes the essence of who we are. Often, we are unaware of the profound influence that our life journey has had on ourselves, as we navigate our own unique path, shaped by a myriad of unseen forces.

Through this series I endeavor to capture the essence of my subjects, painting not just their physical form, but the deeper layers of their personality and experiences. With careful observation, I seek to convey the subtle nuances of their being, reflecting the impact of their past on their present demeanor.

Each stroke is an attempt to unravel the complexities of human existence, offering a glimpse into the intricate tapestry of our lives. As I paint, I strive to bring to light the hidden aspects of my subjects' inner worlds, inviting viewers to contemplate the unseen forces that shape us all.


I’m always happy to discuss projects and commissioned work